Sharidake 斜理岳 , 1.545 m

Sharidake – HOKKAIDO
1.545 m

30. Jun 2011

After a good sleep, I started hiking at 6:00 am. First, I recognized that the hiking map and hiking book provided wrong information. There is no drinking water available at the starting point. But there is a vending machine offering coffee, tea or soop and other stuff you might like during hiking J.

The trail followed a river; several times the river must be crossed – without getting wet feet – if you wear hiking boots. Then the climbing started. Close to several waterfalls, the trail lead up the mountain. Basically the climbing was mainly in the river. Several times I had to use feet and hands to stick to the trail. The trail is secured with ropes, for me some more trail-marks or signs would have been helpful. During the hike I meet no other person and sometimes I was not sure about the right way. Basically follow the river always up and at the intersection of the rivers, take the left and keep left, then always up in the river valley.

Below the top I met five other hikers.
The top was clouded – no view. Still the hike was fun and a unique experience – I never hiked a mountain inside of a wild river valley!

After I returned to the car, I went to Onzen and had Ramen for lunch. Then I continued my drive to the next mountain – Rausudake.

斜理岳Sharidake            30. Jun 2011

Start      清岳荘 Seikakusou          6:00 am               670 m
Trail up 旧道(沢)コースWaterfall-route                      
Top        斜理岳Sharidake            9:10 am               1.547 m
Top        熊見峠 Kumamitouge    10:30 am               1.230 m
Finish    清岳荘 Seikakusou          12:00 pm             670 m

Duration:             6 h          Distance:             8 Km               Height: 990 m

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