Mt. Slamet, 3.428 m

Mt. Slamet,
3.428 m



Serayu Intersection, go to desa (village) Bambangan

Basecamp Bambangan (1.490 m) 7:00 am
Basecamp – Pos 1 (1.940 m) 8:15 am
Pos 1 – Pos 2 (2.256 m) 9:05 am
Pos 2 – Pos 3 (2.478 m) 9:50 am
Pos 3 – Pos 4 (2.688 m) 10:30 am
Pos 4 – Pos 5 (2.792 m) 11:10 am
Pos 5 – Pos 6 (2.909 m) 11:35 am
Pos 6 – Pos 7 (3.040 m) 12:15 pm
Pos 7 – Pos 8 (3.092 m ) 12:30 pm
Pos 8 – Pos 9 Plawangan (3.172 m) 12:50 pm
Pos 9 – Puncak (3.428 m) 2:10 pm
Puncak – Kawah 2:30 pm

My main concern about hiking Gunung Slamat was about finding the small village from where the trail starts.
If you come from the east, you will leave the main road at a monument with a big bat on it. Then follow the small single track road to the west.

The hiking registration was perfectly organized and after I parked the car I walked up the hill. After leaving the village, the trail leads through vegetable fields and then through forest. There are several warung (small shops) at the pos, you can buy coffee, banana and other refreshment.

The path always leads strait up the mountain and is easy to find. Vegetation becomes less and from about 3.100 m the tree disappear. From Pos 9 the way becomes rocky. From the top its about 20 min to the crater ridge which offers a stunning view into the active crater.

Take care of the smoke which can contain various gas. After I reached the top I setup the tent near the summit with a view to the crater. Just after I finished, three thunderstorm rose up from different sides of the mountain. It seemed they met right ahead of me and I watched the lightning show during having dinner.

Next morning I went to the ridge at 3:30 am, it was still a little cloudy and only few stars where visible on the sky.
I had breakfast and coffee while waiting for the sunrise.

Meanwhile many people came up to the top – guess about 200-300 person tried to hike that weekend which was a long weekend. I packed by tent and then went back down.

Recommended hike for all who want to see a big active crater, technically easy but a quite long walk. Enjoy it!

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