Utsugidake 空木岳, 2.864 m 

2.864 m

24. Juni 2012

It was a nice morning, a little bit cloudy but no rain. Many other cars parked at the starting point, still there was place for my car.  The path was easy to find, and, on the way, I pass a mountain spring with nice, fresh water. Later the trail became more difficult and several hundred meters are marked as dangerous area. Some rocks needed to be climbed but for experienced hikers no problem. Of cause – do not slip or lose your way in bad weather condition!

Some snow was left, esp. in the valleys. After I reached the mountain ridge, the clouds opened their view to big, round rocks and the mountain summit. I ate the third onigiri and kept the last one for the way back.

On the way back down, suddenly some rocks rolled down the hill. I looked up wondering what caused them to fell off. A kamoshika  was standing in an earth hole – it caused the rocks roll down. We looked at each other for a while and then went our ways. It’s rare and always a lucky moment to see kamoshika – the Japanese mountain goat.

空木岳 Utsugidake      24. Jun 2012

Start:    池山林道終点 Parking place 1 km below Iikeyamarindouschyouten           8:40 am              1.320 m
Trail up:     池山小屋 Ikeyamagoya 9:45 am       1.700 m
Top:     空木岳 Utsugidake           12:40 pm       2.864 m
Finish:   池山林道終点 Parking place 1 km below Iikeyamarindouschyouten         16.10 pm           1.320 m

Duration:  7 h 30 min   Distance:  16 Km    Height: 1.550 m

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