Mt. Lawu, 3.265 m

Mt. Lawu

9./10. Aug 2016


9. Aug 2016

Two courses lead up to Mount Lawu. I choose the eastern course, starting at Base Camp Cemoro Sewu. It was a hot, sunny day. The day before I got the information from Internet and at the base camp, that on the way water will be available at several warung (small shops). It turned out that this might be the case on weekends, but when I climbed Mt. Lawu that day, all the warung all have been closed. I brought only two liters with me and after I reached POS 2 and no water was available anywhere, I started to save my water as much as I could.

The way itself is easy to hike – most of it plastered with stones and well maintained. You can just concentrate on the mountain, and walk smoothly. Technically nothing special. 

I was really happy to find the Hargo Dalem mountain hut open. A boy welcomed me and sold me several liter water, then I continued up to the summit. From here the way is more like a natural path and can be a bit muddy after rain. Yet the top is not far and it’s not steep terrain.

During the afternoon already huge clouds piled up from the north-west side of the mountain. They looked like preparing for a big thunderstorm. I rushed to set up the tent on a ridge a bit below the peak and started to prepare my dinner. But the clouds disappeared in the evening and the sky was clear. I watched the stars in the evening – luckily was able to even catch a falling star on one of the pictures!

Have a look and make a wish 

The night was quiet and peaceful. I woke up before sunrise and had my coffee at the peak. Meanwhile about 5 other hikers arrived at the top. After breakfast I packed my things and went back down, and I returned smoothly to the car.

From the mountain in that area, Mt. Merapi, Mt. Merbabu and Mt. Lawu – in my opinion Mt. Lawu is the easiest to climb. It also offers the option to stay in the mountain hut or one of the caves at the mountain hut, if you don’t want to bring a own tent.  The way is easy to find and walk, no technical skills required.

Just pay attention that the mountain is over 3.000 meters high and the temperature can be quite chilly. 

Solo is the closest city to Mt. Lawu. Solo is famous for Batik, there is also a lot of good food there and I enjoyed to spend time on the antic market. About one hour from Solo is Yogjakarta with all its temples and historical sites. 


9. Aug 2016 
Base Camp Cemoro Sewu: 1.930m 10:30 am
Pos3: 2.700m   1:30 pm
Pos5: 3140m   3:15 pm
Hargo Dalem: 3.130m   3:30 pm
Puncak: 3.265m   4:05 pm

10. Aug 2016
Puncak: 3.265m 7:35
Base Camp Cemoro Sewu: 1.930m 11:15


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