Akandake 阿寒岳, 1.499 m

Akandake – HOKKAIDO
1.499 m

29. Jun 2011

28th Jun: weather forecast for today was rain, tomorrow clear. That’s why I thought it would be the best choice for me to hike Poroshiridake. Because it’s a two days hike and weather might light up the next day.

First day the trail leads until a cabin at the below the mountain; second day up to the top and return. This turned out to be not a good idea…

I started at 2:00 pm – in rain. The road was closed (due to damage), so I had to hike about 1 hour more as mentioned in the guidebook. The trail leads through a narrow river valley.

Already until the parking-place the drive was tough. No security, single track road, muddy, lots of deep bumps – and if you make a mistake you will find yourself about 100 meters below in the canyon.

And it was raining. Heavy rain. Still I was in good mood and hiked up the closed road. Then the real trail started. It was difficult to find it, later it disappeared in the river (?). I had to cross the river, which was about 50 cm deep. Still I continued hiking an crossed the river about 4 times. Last crossing it was over 1 meter deep and I could hardly stand because the current was so strong. Then it became even deeper. I could not cross it without significant risk to fall into it. Finally I decided that it makes not really sense today and had to return.

I reached the car at 8:00 pm, changed clothes and drove back about 1.5 hours, then went to sleep.

Not possible to hike here now, to heavy rain during the last days made the river rise about its normal maximum level. Later I was told from locals, that this year the raining season came to Hokkaido, too. It is not normal to have so many hard rain up here.

I decided to hike the other remaining mountains in Hokkaido first, then come back and do this difficult one as the last. Then I do not have to worry about wet equipment… And I have to prepare better. Even I wrapped all in plastic, my backpack got wet, partly the tent, sleeping bag, shoes, …

The next morning I continued my drive to Akandake. Weather soon cleared up. It seemed to be a short hike, nothing special – I planned to go up and then return same way. It was warm, the hiking trail lead through forest first, then through small trees and flowers, then only rocks.

I could smell the sulfur of the active volcano. Before arriving at the top, I could already hear the steam from the crater – loud.

From the top I had a nice view, even if it became a bit cloudy. This volcano is fascinating – shape and color. I changed my plan and decided for the round hike. I descended on bit more south and then hiked around the turquoise lake. On the edge of the volcano I could find several excrements of bears and also some footprint. Scaring of fascinating?

After returned to the car, I went to the local Onsen, then continued to drive to the next 100 Meisan mountain. On the way I saw 3 foxes, a marderdog, two deer but no bear. Not yet.


Again I slept in the car, which honestly is quite comfortable if it is big enough J. I love my stepwagn.

阿寒岳 Akandake            29. Jun 2011

Start      雌阿寒温泉登山口 Meakanonsentozanguchi              11:30 am             710 m
Top        雌阿寒岳 Meakandake  1:15 pm               1.499 m
Trail       オンネトー国設野営場 Onnetookokusezuyajou  2:45 pm               650 m
Trail       オンネトー Onnetoo-lake           3:00 pm               630 m
Finish    雌阿寒温泉登山口 Meakanonsentozanguchi              3:30 pm               710 m

Duration:             4 h          Distance:             10 km               Height: 850 m

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