Naebasan 苗場山, 2.145 m

2.145 m

  1. Aug 2011

It was a warm summer day – after rainy season and lots of thunderstorms during the last weeks it seemed to be one of the rare, not rainy days within this summer. 

In the hiking book, the trail looked easy to go – nice pictures of wooden blankets with people having sitting in the sun. I thought it will be an easy walk with a long lunch break within flowered highlands – but this day it turned into a completely different condition. 

During the walk up to the mountain, several stones and rocks had to be climbed, from technical point medium but by far not as easy as I thought. And the way was longer as expected. Then the weather became worse – clouds covered the top and there was no view.
When I reached the top, suddenly there was loud thunder from the other mountain side. Then it started to rain and all hikers tried to return as fast as possible.

The thunderstorm started – with lightning and lots of rain. I stored the camera safe in my backpack…. The rain was so heavy that the hiking trail turned into a mountain river. For more than 2 hours we walked in heavy rain, standing until knees in the water, loud thunder and lightning all around.

I was totally wet – and happy when reaching the car.

It was one of the worst hiking weather condition for me so far…
And completely different from expectation.

苗場山 Naebasan            14. Aug 2011

Start      Daini lifuto choueichushajou 第二リフト町営駐車場            8:45 am               1.220 m
Top        Naebasan苗場山            2:15 pm               2.145 m
Finish    Daini lifuto choueichushajou 第二リフト町営駐車場            7:00 pm               1.220 m

Duration:             10h 15 min         Distance:             13 km          Height: 1.180 m

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