Kasagatake 笠ヶ岳, 2.897 m

2.897 m

  1. Nov. 2011

This time I decided to hike very suddenly and spontaneous.

After work, I drove through the Central Alps of Japan and reached the hiking starting point late at night. The sky was clear with beautiful stars. Especially in the mountain area the stars are very, very beautiful. I watched the stars for a long time before I finally fell asleep.

I slept about 3 hours and got up at 4:00 am, and started hiking at 4:30 am. I was alone in the darkness.

For the first hour, the way was easy to go – it followed a forest road – then it became a “normal” hiking path.

The mountain was steep, the way very rocky with many curves. Sometimes small ladders or stairs help to move up, but mainly this trail was rocky. During sun-rise the area was flooded with orange light. Once again, I had a beautiful view on Norikuradaka and other mountains.

When I reached the top of the ridge, about 2.700 m above sea level, I recognized how long this hike will be. Still a very long way to go until the top.

I left my luggage at the mountain hut, which already was closed, and climbed the last meters carrying my camera and lunch-bag only.

Finally, when I reached the top, I was happy and grateful.
It was very quiet up there. No wind. No sound. Just me.

I took a long rest on a flat rock, watching the surrounding mountain ranges. For lunch, I ate the most delicious Onigiri.

During this hike, I thought about the happiness of the heart.

The happiness of our hearts mainly depends on us and what we think we need and can feel. What we allow us to feel. The more conditions we put to our lives, the more difficult it will become to find the happiness of the heart. Conditions can stop us from recognizing beautiful or good things and from feeling happiness. They can be like a barrier or wall in front of our heart. Some conditions are set, some conditions we define by ourselves. But good things are always around us. If we can love them without condition, our heart will become happy easily and always.

On my way back I meet three other hikers on their way up.

Then I recognized how tired I was. Normally it is easy to go down but this time it was very hard. I took a rest for about four times during the way back, I was so tired and only wanted to sleep. First time to feel so tired on a mountain.

That day I was really looking forward to a relaxing bath, dinner and refreshing sleep. Sometimes things that can make us feel good and happy are so simple and easy to find.


笠ヶ岳 Kasagatake         04. Nov. 2011

Start      新穂高温泉Shinhodaka-onsen  4:30 am               1.090 m
Trail       笠新道登山口 Kasashindoutozanguchi   5:30 am         1.360 m
Trail       杓子平 Shakushidaira    7:50 am               2.450 m
Trail       笠新道分岐 Kasashindoubunki  8:50 am               2.720 m
Trail       笠ヶ岳山荘 Kasagadakesansou 9:45 am               2.820 m
Top        笠ヶ岳 Kasagatake         10:00 am               2.897 m
Trail down           杓子平 Shakushidaira    11:20 am               2.450 m
Trail down           中崎橋 Nakasakibashi    3:00 pm               1.330 m
Finish    新穂高温泉Shinhodaka-onsen  3:30 pm               1.090 m

Duration:             11 h       Distance:             21,3 km               Height: 2.203 m


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