Adatarayama 安達太良山, 1.700 m

1.700 m

  1. Mar 2012

From 奥岳 Okudake (940m) I took the Adatara Express あだたらエクスプレス Ropeway.  Smoothly I climbed Adatarasan. The weather was very nice and there was lots of fresh snow.

Many people hiked on this beautiful day, with snow shoes or ski. Except at Fuji-san, I never meet so many foreigners on a mountain-hike. Wondering how it comes that this mountain attracted them?

After I enjoyed the view from the top, I skied down a beautiful valley and took a bath in くろがま小屋 温泉。 It is the closest onsen to the volcano; water comes from natural spring and has a strong smell.

I was offered some cheese, noodles and Kaki-fruits. It was very delicious and an unforgettable experience.

From the onsen it takes about 1-2 hours back to the parking area.

It was a beautiful tour which is easy to go, good for beginners and offers besides a beautiful mountain-view great onsen experience. With snow shoes this tour might take 2 hours longer but with normal condition it can easily be walked as a one day tour.


安達太良山 Adatarayama           4. Mar 2012

Start      薬師だけ展望台 Yakushidaketenboudai               9:50 am               1.350 m
Trail up 表登山口分岐 Omotetozangutchibunki                 1.470 m
Top        安達太良山 Adatarayama           11:05 am               1.700 m
Trail       峰ノ辻 Minenozujhi       11:45 pm               1.550 m
Trail       くろがね小屋 Kuroganegoya     12:00 pm               1.340 m
Trail down           勢至平分岐 Seshidairabunki       1:30 pm         1.300 m
Finish    奥岳 Okudake   2:10 pm               940 m

Duration:             4 h 20    Distance:             9,7 km               Height: 350        m

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