3.052. m
- Sep 2012
It has been a busy week – several days traveling to Yokohama and Shibuya. Friday I wanted to go to Higashimazuyama but schedule became too busy, so we changed to telecom – thanks to modern technology! I had been checking weather forecast since two days but did’t get a clear picture yet. It was changing all the time form sun till rain and back again. Where to go?
Needed to make a decision and decided for Minamialps, targeting Hijiridake. I wanted to hike from southside. From the highway I took a small mountain road, but after about an hour it was closed. Not possible to access the mountain from this side. I checked the map and changed target to another minamialps peak, a bit further north. It was already late at night and I decided to spend the night on the way in the car. Next morning, I recognized that the final part of the small road was closed, too!
Shiomidake can be accessed from four sides, I tried the next small road. This worked out – nothing closed here – lucky! NEVER GIVE UP YA 😊
Weather was fine, the hiking trail lead up through beautiful blue mountain flowered forest. Many mushrooms grew and on the way, I could taste fresh mountain springs water. From the mountain hut the trail lead over a long ridge, mainly through forest. At about 2.600 meter, the weather suddenly changed and heavy rain started. Using rain wear I continued hiking. And I was not the only climber who tried to access the peak during heavy rain.
Taihendesunee –and higher aged women told me. And she recommended to hike slowly but better not to stop. I was impressed by that positive and tough spirit! No complain about weather. Instead she explained me beautiful mountain flowers name on the way!
Finally, we reached the top. Rain has stopped but still it was foggy. The rocks looked impressive and reminded me of Godzilla. This area is famous for geological study. The hiking trail leads through various earth historical rock areas and you can study the dynamic and power that formed Japan.
Originally, I planned to stay overnight at the mountain hut near the peak. But this time the call of the mountains wasn’t that strong. And there was still plenty of time to go back. Quick change in the plan and it became a one days hike. I reached the car when it was already dark. Tired buy refreshed body and cleared in mind.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand for others why and what drives our heard moving us forward. Sometimes we want to climb mountain, sometimes we wish to be at a place we cannot be at. The Thing is, the beauty is always there and everywhere. Mountain flowers grow, the sun rises and sets down and uncountable other things are around us. At the end it’s up to us to see and appreciate them or not.
Start: 豊口山Toyoguchiyama Parking area, 8:00 am, 1.210m
Trail: 三伏山Sanpuku yama, 10:50 am, 2.630m
Peak: 塩見岳 Shiomi-dake, 1:30 pm, 3.052m
Finish: 豊口山Toyoguchiyama Parking area, 18:30 pm, 1.210m