Akaishidake 赤石岳, 3.120 m 

3.120 m 

15. Sep 2012
From Yokohama it took about 3 hours on the highway, then I entered small mountain road. After another hour I found out that this road was closed. Again, same thing happened. A bit more north another small road winded into the mountain and finally I reached the parking place near a big dame. It was already about 23:00 and after preparing my backpack, I fell asleep. The night was clear and full of stars.

When I woke up at 5:30 the parking place was already full with cars. It is not allowed to enter the mountains by car, have to take the mountain bus. Soon the first bus arrived, and the driver asked all hikers for their destination. He told me to park about 10 min. further down because bus starts from there. I arrived at the huge parking place which was almost full. After waiting about an hour, I took the 8:00 am bus. Hiking started in the middle of the valley at 椹島 Sawarajima. Weather was good, sunny, but during the climb it became cloudy. And it became cold. I was lucky that I brought softshell jacket and fleece.

Just before reaching the top, the clouds opened and suddenly I could see the peak, the valley below and the Akaishi-mountain hut. What a lucky moment!

Then I continued west-direction, about 500 meters down, until I reached Arakawagoya (mountain hut). It was really cooling down and after dinner I went to sleep – but it was too cold for a deep nap. Next time I should use my sleeping bag and bring warm down jacket (remark: in Takasaki still > 30 degree).

Tour to be continued next day….
Start: 椹島 Sawarajima, 8:40 am, 1.125m
Top: 赤石岳 Akaishidake, 2:25 pm, 3.120m
Finish: 荒川小屋 Arakawagoya, 4:10 pm, 2.620m


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