Iidesan 飯豊山, 2.105 m

2.105 m

11. Aug 2013
Iidesan …

Only five more mountains to concur the 100 Meisan Japan. During the last years, I checked and planned which mountain to hike on the upcoming weekends – considering weather, difficulty, distance, work and private schedule. This was one of the mountain with require a long hike. Maybe due to this fact, I spared it until August 2013.

I reached the parking area the night before and after a good sleep, the hike started. Through an old forest the trail leads up on one of the side ridges. Passing huge old trees until about 1.650m where the trees stopped and small bamboo-bushland started.

In between the bamboo, beautiful flowers grew. It was humid and foggy when I reached the main ridge. Turned to the left and after several up and down hill-walks, I reached the Kairagigoya Mountain hut.

It was foggy, and I decided to stay there for the night, hoping for better weather. I was not alone, several other hikers and – a TV team already checked in. We sat together, shared our food and drinks – this time I was really surprised – best sake and sashimi up here!! 土生ありがとうございました!

After listening to our favorite songs and talking about mountains, we went to sleep early, looking forward for the next day.

After breakfast I continued the hike from 梅花皮小屋 Kairagigoya Mountain hut at 5:15am, 1.800m. The trail followed the ridge – up and down, many green and flowers on the way, but no view..

I reached 御西小屋[休 Nenishigoya Mountain hut already at 8:00am, 1.980m. Checked in, and dropped the luggage there, then walked to 大日岳 Dainitchidake which is only about an hour south. It was worth going there, watching beautiful flowers in the fog. Then I went back to the mountain hut and continued towards Iidesan. I reached the peak of 飯豊山 Iidesan at 11:40 am, 2.105m. Still many clouds, during the way up the view improved slightly and allowed for a short moment to see the other trail leading up here from the east.

It was a foggy day and I didn’t feel any rush. I spent the afternoon 御西小屋[休 Nenishigoya Mountain hut,  1.980m together with other hikers. Suddenly, it was almost evening, very excited hikers pushed us out of the hut – the sun was about to break through the fog and clouds. It was like a battle – or was it a beautiful dance – between the elements and powers.

We watched it until sunset.

The next morning, I started to walk back the same way as I came yesterday, followed the ridge with its various small peaks and passed 梅花皮小屋 Kairagigoya Mountain hut, then descended back down to  飯豊山荘 Iidesansou, 410m.

After a warming up and refreshing time at that Onsen another beautiful hike was finished.

Four more mountains to hike …

10. Aug. 2013
飯豊山荘 Iidesansou, 7:15 am, 410m
梶川峰 Kajikawamine, 11:30am, 1.690m
門内岳 Monaidake, 12:35pm, 1.887m
北股岳 Kitamatadake, 1:20, 2.025m
梅花皮小屋 Kairagigoya Mountain hut, 1:50 pm, 1.800m

11. Aug. 2013
梅花皮小屋 Kairagigoya Mountain hut, 5:15am, 1.800m
御西小屋[休 Nenishigoya Mountain hut, 8:00am, 1.980m
大日岳 Dainitchidake, 9:30am, 2.128m
飯豊山 Iidesan, 11:40 am, 2.105m
御西小屋[休 Nenishigoya Mountain hut, 1:00am, 1.980m

12. Aug. 2013
御西小屋[休 Nenishigoya Mountain hut, 4:30am, 1.980m
北股岳 Kitamatadake, 7:05am, 2.025m
飯豊山荘 Iidesansou, 11:25 am, 410m

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