Haku-san 白山, 2.702 m

2.702 m

27. Oct 2013
I slept good and quite long. I planned and prepared for an overnight hike – there was no need to rush. It was a fresh autumn morning – quite, no wind, a bit cloudy day. The leaves of the trees turned into yellow, orange and red colors. The mountains already covered with a thin snow layer.

After crossing a beautiful red hanging bridge, the trail went up. Passing colorful woods, then entering the area covered with 5cm fresh snow. Before reaching the plateau, I filled my water tanks at a mountain spring near the trail. On the plateau all was white – covered with snow. The mountain hut was closed. From former investigation I received the information, that there should be an opened shelter – but all buildings have been closed and I could not find a place to stay overnight inside one of the buildings.

Even the season was already over, I met about 5 hikers on the way and near the mountain hut area. But I was the only one who intended to stay overnight. The mountain hut was right at the top of the clouds – sometimes in, sometimes just dipping out of them.

I continued up to the peak of Haku-san and soon stepped out of the clouds. It seemed, that the snow fell recently, maybe last night, the bushes still carried red berries, looked fresh with bright orange color below a white snow layer.

The top of the mountain was covered with a thin layer of snow. A cold wind preserved all with an icy layer. The peak is just a few meters behind the shrine and I found a space just sufficient to set up the tent. Watching a beautiful sun-set, below me all covered with clouds. Soon the first stars appeared in the cold night, it became time to sleep.

The night was cold but calm. Only a light wind, nothing disturbed my sleep.

I woke up early enough to brew a coffee before sunrise. I felt grateful, overwhelming respect to the beauties of the nature and mountain in Japan.

What was just a funny idea or maybe joking – to hike the 100 Meisan of Japan – finally became true.

Yet it was not only the topic that a dream became true; it was more – I became bounded with the mountains through experience. What I leaned, formed me and I will share in my future life. Experiencing, challenge, planning, and finally reaching the top and sharing with others the moment and joy. The conditions never mattered – sun or rain. Snow or mud. Hot or cold. There was nothing good or bad. Just for me it was sometimes easy, sometimes challenging until the border of my strength. Respecting the environment and condition, doing my best, acting with respect and patience – and never give up. Those are the main things I learned.

I took my breakfast on the top – noodles and dried fish – then went back down. At the mountain spring I filled up my water canisters to bring back home some of the tasty water.

It was an amazing experience to hike down from snow area to colorful forest – within warm sun.

The 100 Meisan hiked – and knowing – there are the 200 Meisan and 300 Meisan ahead.
27. Oct. 2013
Start: 別当出合 Bezutoudeai parking, 9:40 am, 1.260m
Trail: 室堂平 Murodoudaira, 1:40 pm, 2.450m
Top: 白山 Haku-san, pm, 2:45 pm, 2.702m

28. Oct. 2013
Top: 白山 Haku-san, pm, 7:45 am, 2.702m  
Start: 別当出合 Bezutoudeai parking, 10:30 am, 1.260m

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