Kobushigatake 甲武信ヶ岳, 2.475 m

2.475 m

  1. Oct 2010

Start in Takasaki at 6:45 am, take highway and R140, arrive after 140 km at Nishi Sawa Keikou at 08:45 am.

Weather was fine, blue sky, temperature 7°C in the morning, up to 15°C during the day.

It was a beautiful autumn day. Many people came to the valley to watch autumn leaves but only a few hiked the mountain. The trail followed an old mining railroad and was easy to climb. Rocks consist mainly of granite and clear, white quartz. After crossing the river the path becomes steep. Above 2.200 meters the ground is frozen but the air temperature seems warm due to sunny weather. From the peak there is a fantastic view on Fujisan and other mountains. I take a rest for about one hour lying on the rocks and enjoying the clear air and good view. The way back is easy to go but little long. I reach the car just before it gets dark. After buying some local specialties for supper I leave back home at 5:45 pm and arrive in Takasaki at 8:00 pm.

甲武信ヶ岳Kobushigatake         23.Oct 2010

Start      Nishi Sawa Keikoku, 西沢渓谷蒟蒻館 登山者用駐車場       9:00 am               1.150 m
Trail up 近丸新道入口 (Kinmarushindouiriguchi) 長丁場の坂道 (Chouchoubanosakamichi) 
Top        木賊山 (Kizokuyama)     12:35 pm               2.469 m
Trail       甲武信小屋 (Kobushingoya)       12:50 pm               2.380 m
Top        甲武信ヶ岳 (Kobushigatake)      1:00 pm               2.475 m
Trail down           徳ちゃん新道 (Tokuchanshindou)                              
Finish    Nishi Sawa Keikoku, 西沢渓谷蒟蒻館 登山者用駐車場       5.00 pm               1.150 m

Duration:             8 h          Distance:             14 km               Height: 1.502 m