Mizugakiyama 瑞牆山, 2.230m

2.230 m

15. May 2010

Together with my college we arrived around 8:00 am at the parking area below Mizugakiyama.

It was a beautiful spring morning.

The trail was easy to find and good to walk – one small river had to be crossed.
During hiking you will find a big round rock with a large crack. How did it break?
A bit further on the way many rocks must be climbed. Then the path leads to the other side of the mountain – north side.

Here it was still very cold and a huge ice plate covered the ground. I was just saying to my college “watch your step, it is slippery..iiiiiiiiii….” when I suddenly slipped.

I tried to use my hiking sticks for balancing, but both sticks broke (!) and I had a hard landing on my back. It hurt but nothing serious was injured.

From the top of Mizugakiyama there was a beautiful view to Minamialps and Yatsugadake.

We ate lunch and then returned to the car without any further accidents 😊

After the tour we visited an local Onzen and took a relaxing bath. Then quickly returned to Tomioka to attend a ceremony for the Tomioka-silk-mill world heritage promotion. 

Please watch Tomioka’s No. 1 attraction:


瑞牆山Mizugakiyama   15. May 2010

Start      瑞牆山荘 Mizugakisansou (parking)        8:20 am         1.515 m
Trail       富士見平 Fujimidaira     9:10 am               1.805 m
Trail       天鳥川 Amatorikawa     9:30 am               1.795 m
Top        瑞牆山Mizugakiyama   11:00 am               2.230 m
Finish    瑞牆山荘 Mizugakisansou (parking)        1:30 pm         1.515 m

Duration:             5 h 10 min           Distance:             6 km          Height: 820 m

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