Utsukushigahara 美ヶ原, 2.034 m

2.034 m

  1. Jul 2010, 23. Oct. 2011

It was a rainy day when we went to Utsukushigahara from north side of the mountain. The road leads almost until the top; walk takes less than one hour. There are several hiking / walking routs around that area, its one of the most easy to access mountains I have been.

That day there was no view, just a little rain and strong wind. After we ate soba in the mountain hotel returned back home.


 In autumn 2011 I went to Utsukushigahara again.

This day from the south side. In lower areas the trees have been colored beautiful, in upper areas there all leaves already gone. Season was already finished – 終りました . And again, there was no view at the top of the mountain.
The Mountain-vegetable-Soba 山菜そば was the sweetest version I experienced so far. I am a big fan of Sansaisoba and each location has its own individual taste. Try it!

Overall it was a beautiful autumn day with various scenery!


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