Tokachidake 十勝岳, 2.077 m

Tokachidake – HOKKAIDO
2.077 m

  1. Jun 2011

It was a beautiful morning. Blue sky. At 6:00 already a lot of other hikers arrived. The trail lead strait up the mountain. One crater was smoking. The last part became steep but the way was easy to go. It became colder, the top was still frozen. It was early in the morning, so I didn’t want to return and extend the hike to Mount Bieidake. The way became more difficult – a snow field had to be crossed and some rocks to be climbed. Weather changed and became cloudy very suddenly. Think nobody likes climbing in fog…
The way back down became a bit tricky. Several steep rocks had to be climbed, some still with a bit of snow on it. I always wondered, how aged Japanese hikers manage such courses. Really tough people!

After hiking I visited Tokachi-Onzen and then drove to Asahidake where I checked in at the campground and went to bed early (8:00 pm).

十勝岳 Tokachidake       26. Jun 2011

Start      望岳台 Bougakudai         6:00 am               930 m
Top        十勝岳Tokachidake       8:40 am               2.077 m
Top        美瑛岳 Bieidake               10:50 am               2.052 m
Finish    望岳台 Bougakudai         1:30 pm               930 m

Duration:             7 h 30 min           Distance:             14 km          Height: 1500 m

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