Suishodake, Kurodake 黒岳, 水晶岳, 2.986 m

Suishodake, Kurodake
黒岳, 水晶岳
2.986 m
Kitaalps, four days tour to four 100 Meisan peaks
Day 3: 黒岳, 水晶岳, Suishodake, Kurodake, 2.986 m, 17. Aug 2012; Day 4: return 18. Aug. 2012.

1.       薬師岳 Yakushidake, 2.926 m, 15. Aug 2012
2.       黒部五郎岳 Kurobegorodake, 2.840 m, 16. Aug 2012
3.       鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 2.924 m, 17. Aug 2012
4.       黒岳, 水晶岳, Suishodake, Kurodake, 2.986 m, 17. Aug 2012

17. Aug 2012

Going down from Washibadake I passed the intersection of the hiking trails and at the way-crossing I left my huge backpack and hiked Suishodake just carrying camera and a bottle of water.

This was a good decision, the way soon became more difficult and several rocks had to be climbed. Still the view was great – I could look around to many mountains I already climbed and to the ridge and glacier valley I walked the day before.

After having a short rest on the peak and enjoying the view, the long way back started – down to the river valley where I planned to stay for the night.

From Suishodake I went down to the intersection, picked up my luggage and then to Kumonodaira, passed the Kumonodaira mountain hut and continued way down.

This part became the most difficult of the total tour. The way was steep, big rocks covered with moos and fallen trees had to be crossed without slipping. If you walk this route the other direction, means way up, it might be easier – on your way down it is absolutely necessary to be careful. I remembered the words “please take your time. Especially on a long tour you must walk slowly” and did my best not to hurry. Carefully I set my step and finally reached the mountain hut near the river. I don’t know the name, it is located right near the river in the valley.

The afternoon and evening I spent with pleasant talk with other hikers, fisherman, shower-river-climbers. We drank a couple of beer and sake and ate dried fish, octopus and other snack. That night I had a really absolutely good sleep!

Start: 三俣蓮華岳山荘Mitsumatasansou 5:20 pm, 2.550m

Top: 鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 6:45 am, 2.924 m
Top: 黒岳, 水晶岳, Suishodake, Kurodake, 8:40 am, 2.986 m
Finish: 薬師Yakushisansou Moutain hut near the river, 2:00 pm, 2.000 m

Duration: 6h 40min   Distance:   km   Height: apprx. 650 m

Day four, 18. Aug. 2012:

Next morning, I got up at 4:00 am because I had an appointment with a mountain guide on the terrace. He invited me for coffee and we watched the stars and rising morning-sun.

After a good breakfast all hikers went their ways in different directions. My way was back up to the mountain ridge which I hiked three days before.

The valley was flooded by the warming sunlight; I hiked smoothly and reached the car about 2 hours before expected time.
I was really looking forward for a bath in a hot onsen!

Hiking-Keydata 18. Aug. 2012:

Start: 薬師Yakushisansou Moutain hut near the river, 5:30 pm, 2.000 m

Trail: 太郎平小屋 Taroudairagoya 7:30 am, 2.373 m
Finish: 折立 Olitate parking, m, 9,30 am, 1.350 m
Duration: 6h 40min   Distance:   km   Height: apprx. 650 m


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