Washibadake 鷲羽岳, 2.924 m

2.924 m

Kitaalps, four days tour to four 100 Meisan peaks
Day three: 鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 2.924 m, 17. Aug 2012

1.       薬師岳 Yakushidake, 2.926 m, 15. Aug 2012
2.       黒部五郎岳 Kurobegorodake, 2.840 m, 16. Aug 2012
3.       鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 2.924 m, 17. Aug 2012
4.       黒岳, 水晶岳, Suishodake, Kurodake, 2.986 m, 17. Aug 2012

17. Aug 2012

Kitaalps, four days tour to four 100 Meisan peaks
Third day:  鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 2.924 m, 17. Aug 2012

Again I woke up early, but I was still very tired. It was just getting bright outside. When I recognized, that the weather was fine and clear, I felt the call of mountain and quickly prepared my stuff.

From the campsite the trail goes straight up to Washibadake – on my way up a about 10 years old boy came down. He watched the sunrise from the top and I thought he really must like mountains! I reached the top early in the morning, ate a dry snack for breakfast and spent some time before I continued to Suishodake.

Start: 三俣蓮華岳山荘Mitsumatasansou 5:20 pm, 2.550m
Top: 鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 6:45 am, 2.924 m

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