Dacian fortress: Cetatea Blidaru

Park the car in Costeşti and after passing the bridge, turn left on the hiking trail.

It takes about one hour up to the fort. The way leads through oak and brick forest on a old ancient road which is deeply carved into the mountain slope.

After reaching grassland, at the trail intersection turn left and soon you will see the fort located on the hilltop.

It was a beautiful spring day and the ruins have been covered with lots of yellow, blue and pink blooming flowers. Same as the other fortresses in this area, it was build 1st century BC and destroyed completely by the romans in 106.

We spent the night in the valley, having BBQ and delicious mushrooms. The next day we planned to visit Sarmizegetusa Regia, which is the largest Dacian site and was the former capital up until the Roman concerned it.

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