Nantaisan 男体山, 2.484 m

2.484 m

  1. Sep 2010

The hiking trail starts at Futarasankjinjamae, a shrine at Lake Nikko. The trail leads strait up, first in bamboo forest, later Bjork tree. Several rocks have to be climbed, but the top of the mountain is lava material and finally the trail leads through small lapilli (small round volcanic stones). On the top of the mountain are several statues and tori.

After I ate onigiri for lunch, I continued the hike on the other side of the mountain. The trail lead down without any other peaks or up and down. On the bottom of the mountain there is another shrine.

 When I reached parking place of that shrine, a car was stuck in the grass. Somehow it slipped off the road. Together with some other hikers we lifted it out.

I continued my way but after a while a passing car stopped and offered me a lift. It was one of the people who helped the other car out. I was happy that I did not have to walk all the way back to my car, which was parked on the other side of the mountain. 😊

男体山 Nantaisan           5. Sep 2010

Start      二荒山神社前 Futarasankjinjamae          9:30 am         1.270 m
Trail up 四合目 Jongoume                           1.665 m
Top        男体山 Nantaisan            12:15 pm               2.486 m
Trail       二荒山神社志津宮 Futarasankjinja-Shitsumiya          2:10 pm               1.790 m
Finish    志津乗越 Shitunokoshi  3.30: pm               1.500 m

Duration:             6 h          Distance:             12 km               Height: 1.215 m

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