Makihatayama, 巻機山 1.967 m

1.967 m

  1. Apr. 2011

After the terrible earthquake on March 11th I did not hike any mountains.


Originally my plan for March 11th/12th was to hike a mountain in Fukushima-ken but that pan has been cancelled after the earthquake. I knew, one day I would like to continue mountain hiking but I was not sure when and how.


After I recognized, that in Japan everybody tries to come back to normal life – in business and private – and many talking with friends, colleagues and neighbor, – I decided to try to climb another mountain. Everybody emphasized me to continue with my life as it was before – besides the supporting activities. Live goes on – and do your best!

But I was worrying that I would be the only hiker…

When I arrived at 8:00 at the starting point, I was happy to see that already about 15 other cars parked there. During the day I meet about 30 people, some of them with skies or snowboards.

We tried together to come back to normal life and hike Makihatayama.

The weather was perfect – no wind, blue sky. It was so warm that I could hike in my 1st layer shirt until about 1.500 meters. From the foot of the mountain we had to climb a steep ridge, than follow the ridge and continue climbing to the top. Especially the final part to the first peak was very hard. I put on “Eisen” because it was too steep for snow-shoes. I sank into the snow until the wrist.

After I reached the first peak, I had muscle cramps in both legs, esp. in the left one. I could only walk 10 meters, than I had to stop and rest again. It was first time to experience such cramps on a mountain.

After taking a rest and 2 packages power galley, with lots of minerals (magnesium and others), my condition became better and I was able to reach the top about 1:45 pm.

Way back was partly a little bit dangerous because the snow was soft, slippery, and sometimes with something I call “snow whole”. Snow wholes are places where you suddenly sink deep into the snow. This might be caused by plants (bushes) or wind which had been completely covered. Then the top of the snow freeze a bit while below is only soft snow or nothing.

There is a risk to injure legs (break or sprain ligament). So please walk slow and carefully in such areas and try to follow the route.

I reached the car after a long and great hike with a severe sunburn on my face.

Anyway, it was a good feeling to return to normal life step by step. But of cause – still I worried about all people who had to suffer from the terrible earth quake, tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster.
巻機山 Makihatayama  10. Apr 2011

Start      清水 Shimisu     8:15 am               590 m
Top        前巻機 Maemakihata     12:50 pm               1.861 m
Top        巻機山 Makihatayama  1:40 pm               1.967 m
Top        前巻機 Maemakihata     2:20 pm               1.861 m
Finish    清水 Shimisu     5:00 pm               590 m

Duration:             8:45       Distance:             15 km               Height: 1.520 m


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