Tomuraushiyama, トムラウシ山 2.141 m

Tomuraushiyama – HOKKAIDO
2.141 m

  1. Jul 2011

Weather cleared up on July 6th.

I arrived at Tomuraushiyama onsen early afternoon. The road to the hiking starting point was closed – due to earth slides. Already at the gasoline station in the nearby village the staff told me, that an accident has happened and one person got missing in the mountain. I talked with several people at the onsen, and it seemed that I will have to climb from the onsen and not from the regular hiking starting point. This would mean 3 hours more, total hike 13-14 hours. Very long and my legs already have been tired. I spend one hour in the onsen – outside, the sun was shining. But the restaurant was closed – it opens only for lunch.

I prepared hiking equipment – only what I really need. I sorted out even every paper that was not useful, to reduce weight as much as possible. Then I made Kazoramen (nudels with dried tuna) for dinner. It became evening and I was sitting in front of the car and checking the hiking route, when a man came to me and started a talk. He hiked Tomuraushiyama this day and he told me, that I can drive to the starting point. The road is bad, but possible with four wheels drive. I was very happy to hear that. Then he explained me the hiking route and the difficult places.

In two snow fields the way can be lost easily. He made a note for me to show how to walk. Basically hikers have to keep on the right side (!) when climbing the first snow field. Second snow field: straight up, pass 2 big rocks, on the top walk to the left to find the entrance of the summer path. This information was very, very helpful! He knew about the missing person, today policemen and mountain-guards have searched, also with helicopter. The person was finally rescued. Good news!


I drove to the hiking starting point in the late evening. The night was very clear. Beautiful star-sky. I spend some hours watching the stars, then I went to sleep.

Jul. 7th:
Wake up at 4:00, start hiking at 4:30. Several other hikers already have started to climb this mountain. I was not alone.

It was a beautiful morning. Sunrise – blue sky. The way was very well customized and easy to walk, later it became very, very muddy. There is still some snow on the mountain and all the melt-water is still in the ground. Thanks to the good explanation yesterday I could easily find the way in the snow fields – this saved a lot of time for me. And I had no problem to climb the mountain, which has his individual character. It’s a beautiful hike – first through woods, then muddy bamboo area, then birch-trees, snow fields, rock-fields with flat rocks; later big, wild rocks; beautiful mountain flowers and a great view from the top. It was a perfect hike!

I was very fast, more than 2 hours saved, but tired.

As usual I visited the onsen, relaxed in the outside bath in the sun, watching the mountain-river while beautiful butterflies flew around me. And I managed to get lunch in the restaurant: deer on a hot, iron plate “鹿チンギスカーン“


This was the last hike during this trip to Hokkaido.

I feel a little bit tired from climbing and am looking forward for some relaxing, warm days back in Kanto area.

Hokkaido – this tour was a big adventure with all kind of weather, beautiful flowers, strong rivers, fascinating wildlife, delicious food, friendly people, beautiful hot springs and lots of good experience.

In the last 15 days I climbed 9 of the 100 Meisan, in total I hiked about 150 km and climbed 11.600 meters. I left my footprints on the mountains and their shape is in my legs. We became part of each other!

Hiking-Keydata: ト
ムラウシ山 Tomuraushiyama    7. Jul 2011

Start      短縮登山口 Tanshyokutosanguchi           4:20 am         960 m
Trail up 温泉コース分岐 Onsenkoosubunki         4:45 am         1.030 m
Trail up カムイ天上 Kamuitenjou             5:18 am               1.260m
Trail up コマドリ沢出合 Komadorisawadeai                     1.440 m
Trail up 前トム平 Maetomudaira             7:12 am               1.738 m
Top        トムラウシ山 Tomuraushiyama               8:50 am         2.141 m
Finish    短縮登山口 Tanshyokutosanguchi               12:25 pm             960 m

Duration:             8 h 5 min             Distance:             16,2 km          Height: 1.491 m

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