Kaikomagatake 甲斐駒ヶ岳, 2.967 m

2.967 m

Two days  Minamialps (south Alps Japan) – day one.

3. Nov 2012
It was the end of autumn 2012, the nights became cold and most of the trees already dropped leaves.  In this season, the weather is often clear. Even though the official hiking season was finished, many days offered perfect condition to climb mountains. But you have to bring warm clothes and must be prepared for snow and changing weather condition.

From the parking place, north-west side of the mountain, the bus takes about one hour until 北沢峠 Kitasawatouge. Looking at the map, I thought there would be a nice view to both sides – east and west – but the mountain hut is surrounded by forest – no view at all.

It was the last weekend in this season and I was surprised that the hut was not booked out. All heavy luggage staid in the hut, with light luggage (bad weather clothing, food and 3 liters water), the hiking started. On the way, near the hut, there is fresh mountain water, it was almost frozen but delicious. The spring was in lower area, for the tour better bring enough water.

After hiking through a long valley, the climbing started from east side of the mountain. The way was easy to find, great weather and pleasant time. The rocks of Kaikomagatake formed interesting shapes and on the top there is a famous shrine for all the mountain gods staying around there.

The way back was long and that’s why everybody was looking forward for the dinner.

After a deep good sleep, all hikers get up early and set of for one of the two peaks which can be hiked from this location.

北沢峠 Kitasawatouge, 9:10 am, 2030m
仙水峠 Sensuitouge, 10:20 am, 2.265m
甲斐駒ヶ岳 Kaikomagatake, 1:30 pm, 2.967m
北沢峠 Kitasawatouge, 4:30 pm 2030m

Duration: 7h 20min  Distance: 8,5 km Height: 1.200 m

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