Dacian fortress: Cetatea Daciâ Căpâlna

 Dacian fortress: Cetatea Daciâ Căpâlna

– an historic monument and world heritage

From Câlnic a small, single track road leads to the west through beautiful spring forest to Săsciori. Then turn left towards south and follow the road 67C until Căpâlna. Drive through the village until you see a sign towards the right at a gravel road – to enter the road, you ‘ll have to make a u-turn first, the curve is very sharp. After several hundred meters the car can be parked.

Walk up the gravel road, pass a few gates until a sharp curve to the left. Then follow the path and pass another two gates.

We made the mistake to turn right – on a small trail – searched the castel behind the village until we understood that we are wrong and went back to the road. Stay always on the trail, then this problem will not happen to you 😊.

The gravel road became a hiking path. It leads further towards south from Căpâlna village, then enters a small valley. The trail became steeper and it was hot.

I almost reached the top when I met a couple. They asked me if I can speak german and then, if I have brought water. The girl dehydrated and luckily, I could help.

In the mountain – even if it looks easy or short – always bring water. When I was 16 years, I hiked the Grand Canyon and leaned that it is mandatory to drink a sip – every 15 minutes. The body is losing liquid, especially during sports and in the sun. People hiking with, know I remind them to drink a sip every 15 min.

Most recommended are drinking systems. Place a 3 liter watertank in your backpack and take a sip frequently. I used this a lot hiking mountains 😊.

Cetatea Daciâ Căpâlna – an historic monument and world heritage

The Cetatea was built in the second half of the first century B.C. on a steep hill. It protected the Daciâ kingdom in the south from the north.

It was destroyed during the second dacian-roman struggle (105-106 A.C.). Today the fundaments of the entrance guardian tower, few stairs and some other fundaments are visible. Yet the terraced areas are visible, and we could picture how the fort was placed on the top of the hill overlooking the Sebes valley.

The total hike – including taking wrong way – took about 2 hours.  

It was a beautiful spring day, blooming trees, fresh green and warming sun. 

Citatea Daciâ Căpâlna is 72 km, about 1 hour, from Sibiu.

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