Cisnadie – fortified church near Sibiu

Cisnadie, with approx. 16 tsd. residents, is a small charming city. The market place nearby the Evangelic Fortifies Church is surrounded by colorful buildings. On that day the two bars / cafes at the market place tried to create a Mediterranean party feeling. Nearby a magazine (small supermarket) and Simpa (bakery, meat and cheese shop) cover the food supply. The vegetable market is located on the other side of the church – not at the market place ;-).

For lunch we bought local bread, sausage and cheese. The Evangelic fortified churched opened at 2:00pm.

The entrance is located on the west side. After passing the first and second ring-wall, a sweet roses smell welcomed us and became even more intense after entering the third ring. Inside the third ring the visitor stands right in front of the church.

A wooden palisade is attached to the third ring-wall. Inside the church we could see the beautiful altar – with opening swing doors. This church saved one of the most remarkable church treasures over centuries – hidden behind stone walls preserved from destruction or robbery – until handed over to museum.

Enter the church tower through a tiny gate and take the stairs up. First stone stair in a stone tunnel – then wooden stairs lead up inside the tower until about 25 meters where the bells are hanging.

Only in Romania I experienced climbing old towers in unique structure.

The pictures below include pictures from other visits.

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