Cisnădioara – Michelsberg

Cisnădie city is 11 km south-southwest of Sibiu, Cisnădioara about 13-15 km depending on the way. Both locations are pretty close to each other – approx. 5 km center to center – and fit perfect into a 4-5 hours tour from Sibiu.

We drove to Cisnadioara village and parked the car in the center. Cisnădioara, in German called Michelsberg, has one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Transilvania, located on the top of

a hill surrounded by the Cindrel mountain.

The entrance fee is 7 Ron / person.

It takes about 20 min by foot to walk up to the fortified church. After passing a small gate, you will enter the inner ring which, beside the church, contains a small building and a well.

Inside the church a few old fescues can be seen and several memorial plates remind of the victims during the first world war. From the top of the hill there is a beautiful view, we see three storks circling in the air above the village.

From Cisnădioara its just a few minute drive to Cisnădie.

The pictures below include pictures from other visits.


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