Mt. Magura, Cisnadoara

Varful Magura, Cisnadoara


From the village center drive near the river Raul Cisnadie, pass the natural monument Piatra Broastei and park the car somewhere near the small river.

I started the hike at 10:00 am, clear sunny day, cold and the ground was frozen.

Follwed a forest road for about 1,5 km, after an intersection go straight, but then the hiking trail leads from the road to the left into the forest.

I followed the foodprints of two other hikers, otherwise I for sure havn’t found the trail entrance because only sometimes there are red marks on the trees. Especially the starting point was not visible for me and without the foodprints I would have continued on the forest road.

The way became steaper and after a while I reached a ridge.

Followed the ridge and then up again. The snow became deeper, but in the worst case max. about 30-40 cm which was still walkable without snow shoes.

After 2 hours hike, I reached the peak, Varful Magura, 1.304m

There are no trees on the top and the round view was stunning.

On the way back, I watched two deer passing the ridge and searching for some greens below the snow.

Reached the car at 1:50 pm, the valley was filled with sun and not even a light wind blew. Beautiful day for hiking or just having a picknick in the snow 🙂

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