Shibutsusan 至仏山, 2.228 m (Oze)

Oze: Shibutsusan
2.228 m

  1. Jul 2010

Oze national park is one of the most famous national parks in Japan.

You have to park the car outside of the park and take a bus up to mountain. From the bus stop a trail leads down to Oze-gahara (highland moor).

This time I didn’t go down to Oze-gahara. I took another hiking path up to the mountain. The weather was beautiful and even it was early in the morning, many hikers already have been on their way.

When I prepared this tour, I checked several hiking maps, but I was not able to understand Kanji. So I have to apologize that I didn’t know, that it is not allowed to decent from the mountain peak down to Ozegahara. It’s supposed to walk up and then back to the parking. Worth to mention because I was not the only person who didn’t know this that day. But it was not too crowded that day, not to steep, not to narrow.

Ozegahara is known for his beautiful flowers. And it is indeed beautiful!

In the evening it started to rain. I had to learn, that in Japan people do all the same thing at the same time. So I also had to go to sleep at 9:00 pm, even if I was not tired at all.

Start (24. Jul)     鳩待峠 Hatomachitouge               7:40 am         1.590 m
Trail up オヤマ沢田代 Oyamazawatashiro           8:40 am         2.030 m
Top        至仏山の Shibuzusan-peak          9:45 am               2.228 m
Trail       高天ケ原 Takamagahara             10:00 am               2.130 m
Trail       山の鼻 Yamanohana      11:40 am               1.407 m
Trail       牛首 Ushikubi    12:15 pm             1.404 m
Trail       尾瀬ヶ原中田代 Ozegahara nakatashiro               12:50 pm             1.400 m
Trail       東電小屋 Todengoya     1:15 pm               1.400 m
Finish (24. Jul)    見晴 燧小屋 Miharashi Hiuchigoya          2:50 pm               1.400 m

Duration:             7 h 10 min           Distance:             14,6 km          Height: 730 m


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