Yakushidake 薬師岳, 2.926 m

2.926 m
Kitaalps, four days tour to four 100 Meisan peaks
First day: 薬師岳 Yakushidake, 2.926 m, 15. Aug 2012

1.       薬師岳 Yakushidake, 2.926 m, 15. Aug 2012
2.       黒部五郎岳 Kurobegorodake, 2.840 m, 16. Aug 2012
3.       鷲羽岳, Washibadake, 2.924 m, 17. Aug 2012
4.       黒岳, 水晶岳, Suishodake, Kurodake, 2.986 m, 17. Aug 2012

After getting up at 3:30 I took a shower, made a coffee, and then left Takasaki.

There was not so much traffic and I reached Olitake parking, near a big lake, smoothly. The mountains where covered by dark clouds this morning. Anyway, I started the hike, expecting better weather from tomorrow.

The trail was easy to walk, but with about 17 kg on the back a bit tiring.

I reached the mountain ridge and set up the tent at the campsite. Then it started to rain. In the tent I waited until rain stopped, then climbed Yakushidake without any luggage.

I only took a bottle of water and rain-jacket. I hiked through clouds, it was wet and a strong, cold wind blew. No need to stay long up there and I spend only little time on the top and at the shrine, then went back to the tent.

On the way back, I met a ptarmigan family. A mother with about 5 young birds was looking for grain near the trail (jap. 雷鳥; らいちょう). Nice birds!

For dinner I had instant noodle with dried fish, shrimp, octopus and onion. Dried food is light, easy to carry and fast cooking. And the taste is not so bad.

The night was quite, without rain, and I got some good sleep. Best preparation for the next day.

薬師岳 Yakushidake 15. Aug 2012

Start: 折立 Olitate parking, 9:30 am, 1.350 m
Trail: 太朗平小屋 Taroudairagoya, 12:35 pm, 2.325 m
Trail:, 薬師峠 Yakushitouge campsite, 1:30 pm, 2.310 m
Top: 薬師岳 Yakushidake, 3:00 pm, 2.926 m
Finish: 薬師峠 Yakushitouge campsite, 4:30 pm, 2.310 m

Duration: 7h   Distance: 13 km   Height: 1.685 m

… to be continued …

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